Law enforcement website loginNames, passwords and visit statistics ordered by Judge Scott Jenkins to be released to Danny Davila's attorney Robert Smith (link to discovery from Davila about murder accusation/4-15-2009 email/Motion to Compel Police evidence website information, including law enforcement login names and passwords

methods of visit tracking:

1) email sent to webmaster on login

2) DomainsPricedRight Statistic package (*product no longer exists as of 12/21/2012 - use compiled email stats)

3) (switched to new statistics package on 12/21/2012 after notification that old statistics product would no longer be available)

Login Names and Password

get from database? - list of all accounts ever created at PBC website

Visit Stats Visits Stats Table provided per Judge Scott Jenkins Court Order
visitor number name login name

pass word

number of visits total # of pages visited dates of visits link to original StatFile/email notes
1 FINRA/David Suddeth*              
2 Danny Davila*       entered thru FINRA account and possibly TDI account also      
3 TDI*              
4 Jason Coomer - lawyer              
5 Billy Petty/APD White Collar Crime              
6 FBI-Jake              
7 SEC-Trey?              
8 Philadelphia Insurance Company       entered during A1 sitemap software run with login turned off      
9 APD Homicide              
10 USPS William Bryan Witt (wbwitt)