DA Binder Evidence Table - (Embezzlement Evidence - called "Misappropriation" by Police Detective)

Order recd/sent Date recd/sent Tag Name short evidence description tag Chrono - date of original document Chrono Order DA location
1 12/18/1996 D1 1996 Recorded DPOA - 2 physicians certification's of incapacity needed. Sylvia Hamilton already named as first "agent-attorney-in-fact", but only after 2 doctors certifications received. Martha Luco, Alfred and Alan are named as successor agents. 12/18/1996 1 DA Binder - section 5
2 8/26/2008 and 9/9/2008 SH-AH-C1

8/26/2008, Sylvia Hamilton tells Estate/Trust attorney Wayne Gronquist that she took $800,000 in Annuities from the Estate-Trust. Attorney informs Alan Hamilton on 9/9/2008 and schedules an appointment with Sylvia Hamilton's CPA Danny Davila. See written confession/accounting on 10/28/2009 for Probate Judge.

8/26/2008 and 9/9/2008 3 WG Billing Records (web only-to scan still)
3 Fall 2008 B1 Randolph-Brooks (RB) bank receipt for $150,000 bank transfer from Maurine Hamilton's bank account to Sylvia Hamilton's bank account. Fall 2008 4 DA Binder - section 3
4 Dec 2008 B2 Chase bank records of large transfers from Maurine Hamilton's bank account to Sylvia Hamilton's bank account between 2004 and 2006. Dec 2008 5 DA Binder - section 3
5 1/12/2009 D2 2004 Danny Davila DPOA ("Allan" spelled wrong, 2 physicians certifications removed) 8/6/2004 2 DA Binder - section 5
6 10/28/2009 SH-AH-C2 Sylvia delivers written confession/accounting for Probate Judge on 10/28/2009. 10/28/2009 6 DA Binder - section 2
7 compiled extracts B3 spreadsheet of RB and Chase bank transfers compiled extracts 7 DA Binder - section 3
      See Police Report Exhibits, Timeline, Embezzlement Flowchart and other evidence at the DA Binder Table of Contents Webpage     DA Binder - section 1
      See IRS Evidence Table for Tax Fraud, Evasion and Money Laundering Evidence      

note: Evidence Tables and Sitemap implemented for IRS Binder organization, after DA Binder sent. So DA Binder Evidence Table added for completeness.


Notation notes: TagNames are contructed as follows:

C is a communication between the people with the initials of the TagName, received or sent. i.e. DD-AH-C1 is a communication between Danny Davila and Alan Hamilton. Communcations sometimes contain multiple email reply or responses or enclosures and the TagName is used to refer to the entire package or the element referred to within it.

Initials used are: DD = Danny Davila, AH = Alan Hamilton, SH= Sylvia Hamilton, BS = Brad Seals, WG = Wayne Gronquist